Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages — Lodging in York

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Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages

Lodging at 98 Blanchard Ln, York, PE C0A 1P0, Canada, York, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1P0 . Here you will find detailed information about Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 3 reviews


Prince Edward Island
98 Blanchard Ln, York, PE C0A 1P0, Canada, York, Prince Edward Island, C0A 1P0
C0A 1P0

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About Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages

Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages is a Canadian Lodging based in York, Prince Edward Island. Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages is located at 98 Blanchard Ln, York, PE C0A 1P0, Canada,

Please contact Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Chelsy Bye The Sea Cottages

  • Jonathan
    Added 2016.09.20
    Now, don't let cabin make you think it's all backwater. There's Wi-Fi, a tv with hdmi, upstairs and downstairs bathrooms in the big cabin and an oven that can cook a roast while your using the bbq on the porch. No roughing it here, you'll be comfortable.
  • Jacob
    Added 2015.08.14
    The owner is hilarious and helpful. He's proven to be ready to accommodate all sorts of situations over the years I've stayed there, and if you point out something that could be improved at the end of your stay, I can definitely say it'll likely be there the next year :D that said. It's really well set up there, with pool, play area camp fire areas, laundry service and even kayak rental all handy.
  • Sarah
    Added 2013.11.03
    I've stayed at the small cottages, and more recently in the big one. If you want a functional coming space, you really need the big one, but they're all lovely spaces (albeit the stair ladders up in the smaller cabins are adventurous for children, and there will bc scrapes and bumps). They have a nice pool and are situated a short walk away from the beach in one direction, and an expansive golf course in the other. Aside from the golf clubs restaurant, food is going to be a car ride away, but that's to be expected at a beach cabin.
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